Why we created PARAFO?

Parafo is an innovative service concerning already common business relations. The idea behind the launch was actually spontaneous and arose from market demand. Company behind the project received requests for secretarial assistance, candidate selection, corporate compliance and typical business checks for years. Ultimately, all existing services have been combined into single integrated package. This is how Parafo came to be.

There are two female leaders behind Parafo and a number of experts leading within their fields.

Sandra Čavlović

Sandra started her career in one of the largest manufacturing plants in Croatia, where she gained years of experience in the HR department, and subsequently in the finance department. A few more years as an assistant in an international law firm with a subsidiary in Croatia - she decided to take a step forward and accept the offer to lead PARTNERS CONSULTING d.o.o. and build all necessary business processes within the company. Sandra oversees the company's operations, manages finance and customer service teams. Today, she has accumulated over 12 years of experience in a variety of work areas: human resources, business processes / administration and finance management. Besides the Croatian language, Sandra advises clients in German and English.

Request a list of all the experts Parafo uses in each field. Currently, more than 20 experts of various profiles are working on our projects.

We will provide you with a best offer possible, tailored to your business.