Parafo is a project of PARTNERS CONSULTING d.o.o. for business consulting services, registered for business and other management consultancy activities (70.22)


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The terms and conditions of use and access to the Website, which is under the control of PARTNERS CONSULTING d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as "Partners consulting"), are the rules that all users of this site, the materials contained on this site, or the sites linked to it are bound by. Therefore, we ask that you familiarise yourself with them in order to avoid possible misunderstandings and unintended consequences regarding them.

The materials and information on this site are provided by Partners consulting for general informational purposes only and do not represent, nor may they be construed as legal, accounting or related services.

The information available on the Website should not be considered as the basis for personal, financial or business decisions, and you agree that you will not hold us responsible for not meeting your expectations in this regard.

In this regard, we suggest consulting with an appropriate expert, who will be able to give advice specifically tailored to your concrete situation.

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Partners consulting will make reasonable efforts to keep the website fully functional and all published information and materials accurate and complete, but is not responsible for the occasional malfunctioning of the website, any inaccuracy of the information, or for any damage resulting from the use of incorrect or incomplete information or inability to access the page in question. Also, Partners consulting does not warrant that the information and materials on this site are up-to-date.

Please note that Partners consulting reserves the right to change the content of the Website without notice and will not be responsible for any possible consequences resulting from such changes.

Partners consulting fully disclaims any responsibility (a) that may in any way arise from, or in any way related to the use of, this website or any related website, (b) for any actions of the user by using or the misuse of the content of this site, and (c) any harm that may occur to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the use of the content of this site or any related website.

Each user agrees that access to and use of this website and any related website and content is the same at his own risk. Partners consulting may disable or restrict users from accessing this site (a) during modification, maintenance or in the event of a technical error on the site; (b) if the user uses this site in a manner contrary to these legal notices; or (c) if the user acts in a way that Partners Consulting believes would endanger or threaten the operation of this site.


All unauthorized uses of the content of this site infringing Partners consulting are subject to the lawsuit and enforcement of the provisions of the Copyright Act, the Intellectual Property Law, the Property Law and other real rights, and other laws and regulations governing protection issues, intellectual property, and copyright and other related rights.

Certain materials, visuals and videos on the Website are subject to the copyright of third parties.


Any disputes and claims arising out of an obligation to act on users accessing this website will be governed by the substantive law of the Republic of Croatia, and the courts of the Republic of Croatia shall have jurisdiction.

You hereby acknowledge and submit to Croatian substantive law as solely competent for the interpretation, application and legal effects of all permissions, exclusions and conditions of use of this website. The Croatian courts have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the websites in question. Partners consulting does not warrant that the materials contained on the websites in question are appropriate or user-friendly in certain locations, that is, it is not responsible for accessing them from the territories of the countries where their content is prohibited by law. Access to the Web sites from these sites will be deemed to have been taken arbitrarily under the responsibility of the user under applicable law.


Partners consulting reserves the right at any time to amend these Legal Notices.


Partners consulting has no control over the content of third party websites linked to or through this website, and disclaims all liability, including but not limited to the accuracy, completeness and accessibility of the content on the websites created by third parties.


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