Your arrival to this site clearly shows how important privacy and protection of your personal information are to you. However, there is no reason to worry. We are fully committed to protecting your privacy and responsibly assure you that protecting your personal information is a priority when conducting and organizing all business processes.

We respect the confidentiality of your personal information and always comply with the relevant provisions of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions governing the protection of personal data and the provisions of this Privacy Policy. In this regard, your opinion is extremely important to us, and please contact us at the address of our Data Protection Commissioner in case of any questions.

For the reasons outlined above, we have compiled this detailed Privacy Notice, all to inform you in a transparent and easy-to-understand manner about the processing of your personal information. Thus, we primarily want to inform you about (i) the personal information we collect, (ii) the purpose for which we collect it, and (iii) your direct processing rights.


In the course of daily business, as a project of PARTNERS CONSULTING d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as "Partners") engages in a large number of relationships with consumers as well as with business partners and our own employees. For this reason, it is necessary to delineate in detail to which they relate, i.e. the types of interaction this Notice applies.

Consequently, this Notice applies only in the following cases:

  • if you access our premises, either as a party or a casual passerby;
  • if you visit our website;
  • if you use our services;
  • if you contact or request information from Partners;
  • if you are applying for a job at Partners.


In respect of the processing of personal data provided in this Notice, PARTNERS CONSULTING d.o.o.with headquarters in Zagreb, Miramarska 24, 8th floor, OIB 50123841336, MBS: 081060485 is the Head of Processing for the purposes of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

However, in certain cases, Partners processes personal information on behalf of other providers (e.g. financial institutions). In this case, the other person is the processing manager and Partners the processing manager.


While interacting with you, we process a variety of personal information. Processing will depend both on the type of service interaction we have with you and on the processing of personal information itself.

As a result, we outline the personal information we process as well as the purpose for which we process it:


Depending on the type of interaction you have with Partners, we will exchange certain personally identifiable information with third parties. In doing so, we guarantee that the purpose of the exchange is not to use your personal information, but to exchange it for the purpose of providing quality and timely service and compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.

As a result, Partners will be able to exchange with the following categories of person, depending on the situation:

  • Authorized employees of Bradvica Marić Wahl Cesarec d.o.o.;
  • Bookkeeping;
  • Third parties organizing seminars;
  • Third-party service providers that process personal information, either on behalf of Partners or on a separate legal basis, in order to be able to effectively fulfill the requested service, i.e. deliver products and packages (e.g. payment processing, system maintenance, market research, publicity, etc.) . Such service providers may only use or transmit personal information to the extent and for the purpose of the order received from Partners
  • Third parties and bodies governed by public law, (i) to comply with legal or by-law rules, (ii) to comply with a mandatory instruction or order of a public-law body, (iii) to prevent and / or report abusive and illegal activities, (iv) to protect the rights and personal safety of our employees and third parties; and (v) to protect ourselves against lawsuits and other claims by third parties.
  • To all other persons, in respect of whom we have received your expressed consent to exchange.

Exceptionally, in the event of Partners' status changes (e.g. merger, separation, etc.), your personal information may be transferred to another legal entity.


Your personal data will only be processed and transferred within the European Union. Personal data will not be transferred to business entities or other persons in countries outside the European Union.


The storage period of your personal information will primarily depend on the purpose for which it was collected. In this regard, we guarantee that we will not keep your information longer than is strictly necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in certain cases we will have a legal obligation to retain certain information for a longer period than is strictly necessary to accomplish the purpose of the processing. In this case, we will only store personal information within the statutory minimum. For example, records and documents of daily cash turnover, books of account and bookkeeping documents and other records must be kept for a minimum of 10 years.

Also, if the GDPR requirements are met, you have the right to request the exercise of your GDPR guaranteed rights in relation to your personal information processed by Partners. More detailed instructions on the rights themselves and how they are exercised are detailed in the "Your Rights" section.


Partners is fully aware that children are a particularly sensitive group and therefore pays particular attention to the protection of their personal information.

In this regard, Partners is in compliance with the provisions of Croatian law concerning the minimum age for legal transactions, including the processing of personal data. Among other things, we will seek the explicit consent of the child's parent to provide certain services and to access certain parts of our site.


For the purpose of effective control over the processing of your personal information, you have a number of rights that, in statutory cases, you may exercise directly towards Partners.

These are the following rights:

  • The right to ask for information about Partners processing your information and, if so, to request detailed information about the processing itself;
  • The right to request access to your personal information, in a way that Partners make a copy of it, in physical or digital form;
  • The right to seek rectification of your incorrect or incomplete personal information we process;
  • The right to request the deletion of your personal information that we process;
  • The right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal information;
  • The right to request the transfer of your personal data that we process to another processing manager;
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal information by Partners;
  • Right at any time to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data, if the processing is based on consent;
  • Right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority - in Croatia the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data, Martićeva ulica 14, Zagreb,, tel: 01 4609-000

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights (other than the last mentioned), please contact us using the information in the "How can you contact us?" Section. Please note that in order to successfully process your application, we will first need to establish your identity (e.g. by requesting a copy of the identity card). The personal information provided will be used solely for identification purposes and will be deleted immediately after identification.

The exercise of the above rights is completely free of charge. However, in the event that your claims are manifestly ill-founded or excessive, (e.g. because of frequent repetition within a shorter period of time), we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to (i) charge a reasonable fee for acting upon the request, or (ii) refuse act upon request.



In order to make our web site more enjoyable and interesting, this site stores a small amount of information on your computer, so called cookies. Cookies, among other things, serve to optimize the web site and to enable us to make further improvements to the site in order to enhance your browsing experience.

By using this site you consent to the use of cookies. It is possible to block cookies, after which you will still be able to browse the site, but some of its features will not be available to you.


A cookie is a small text file that is automatically saved to your computer, tablet, or cell phone (the "Device") when you visit a specific website. This allows the website that sent the cookie or the website that recognises the stored cookie to "remember" your Device.

Such "memory" achieves different functions. It provides efficient navigation within the web site, remembers your preferences (e.g. language) for future visits to the web site and generally improves its quality and attractiveness. In short, it allows the page to display information tailored to your needs. In this regard, cookies allow advertisements to be displayed on the Internet to be relevant to your needs and interests.

There are different types of cookies, however, we can split them into the following two main divisions:

• According to the cookie sender:

  • First-party cookies - cookies delivered to your Device by our website;
  • Third party cookies - cookies delivered to your Device from a website other than the site you visited.

• According to storage time

  • Session cookies - cookies that are automatically deleted after you close your browser;
  • Permanent cookies - cookies that remain stored on the Device until the specified deadline. They allow you to identify your device the next time you visit a website


The website uses the following types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies - These are cookies that are absolutely necessary to provide you with the service you have requested and to make our site operational at all.
  • Analytics cookies - These are cookies that track a website's statistical traffic to obtain the necessary information about the website's performance, and also utilise a third-party service called Google Analytics.
  • Functional Cookies - These are cookies that allow our site to recognize you and remember your settings when you revisit it (e.g., page language)

When using our website, you may also receive a "third party" cookie. In other words, third parties may collect information through cookies and similar technologies (web beacons).

Using third-party cookies (including Google), in partnership with Partners, show Partners ads on websites across the Internet.

In the event that cookies are processed by some of your personal data, we base our processing on Article 6, paragraph 1 b and/or f GDPR, that is, the necessity of fulfilling the contract which the respondent is processing of the party or protecting our legitimate interests for the optimal and efficient functioning of the website.


By using our site, you agree that different types of cookies are stored on your device. However, in the event that you wish to delete certain cookies and/or prevent them from being stored, instructions are briefly outlined below.

If you wish, you can disable cookies from being stored on your computer, but blocking all cookies could have an adverse effect on the use of many websites, including these. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser. If you want to delete or disable cookies on your computer, you need to update your browser settings.

Because browsers are different, the way settings are changed is not the same. As a result, the following is a list of links where you can find more detailed information about changing settings for individual browsers:



You can also opt out of Google Analytics and Google AdWords for Display Advertising and customize your ads for the Google Display Network with the Ads Preferences Manager tool (

Detailed information about Google Analytics, as well as the ability of users to adjust the necessary cookie settings, is available at:

Please note that if you do not accept cookies, certain features of our website may be restricted.



Social networks can also set cookies on your computer. This happens on websites that allow you to log in and register through your social networking account, and if you share the content of the webpage on social networks (e.g. via the "Like" button). The specific impact on your privacy will vary from social network to social network and depends on the privacy settings you choose on those networks. You can find out how to manage these cookies on their websites.


To comply with GDPR requirements and other applicable regulations, this Privacy Notice was updated and amended in May 2018.

As it is likely that existing personal information processing processes may change over time and may be implemented, this Privacy Notice will need to be modified or supplemented. An amended version of the Notice will be made available on the Partners page or as soon as it is made.

If we make significant changes, we will notify you clearly and in a timely manner so that you can review the changes and decide on your own whether you should continue to use Partners services. Depending on the type of processing of the personal data, the notice will be published on the Partners website or, or we will contact you directly (e.g. via email).


We are at your disposal at any time to contact us regarding the processing of personal information by Partners.

In this regard, Partners has appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at any time regarding any processing of your personal data and the exercise of rights under the Regulation.

Therefore, in the event that:

  • You want to exercise any of your foregoing rights; or
  • Generally, you have any questions, objections or suggestions regarding the processing of personal information